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但很快就有其他医生说道:“How can we do what you say without protective clothing, professional equipment, not enough masks, and there will be bombing here at any time, and by that time, the scene will be chaotic and pletely uncontrollable.”(没有防护服,专业的设备,没有足够的口罩,我们如何能做到您说的那样,而且这里随时都会发生轰炸,到那时候,场面混乱,完全控制不了。)

宋知聿知道在场的人的顾虑,但他来到这里就是做好了所有的准备,看着在座的所有人,面对大家的质疑,宋知聿没有一点的后退和犹豫,淡声说道:“Protective clothing, masks, medicines, these will be available. We have already declared a batch of medical supplies before we came, and we can solve these problems for the time being, as for the safety issues you mentioned.”(防护服,口罩,药品,这些都会有。我们在来之前就已经申报了一批医疗用品,�


